ICT Skills Part 1
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. It refers to technologies used to store, retrieve and use data electronically, i.e. using digital devices.

Entrepreneurial Skills: Ultimate Guide for CBSE Class 10 and Class 9 AI Paper
Skills required by a person to succeed as an entrepreneur are called entrepreneurial skills. An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business with the aim of providing a product or service to the people and making a profit in return. The act of starting such a...
Communication Skills: Ultimate Guide for CBSE Class 10
Effective communication is a crucial employability skill. Communication Skills is the first component of CBSE classes 9 and 10 Employability Skills unit of many courses such as Artificial Intelligence (417), Information Technology (402), etc. Employability Skill is a...
Artificial Neural Network for Dummies: An Introduction
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computing systems used to train AI systems to think and behave like humans. In this blog we will be talking about how ANNs are designed.